Next Generation Veterinary Education

VetTutor is the UK’s first online veterinary exam revision platform with a high-quality question bank that mirrors vet school exams. Our question bank is continually revised and updated on a yearly basis by qualified vets based on exam takers feedback and guideline updates to offer you the best preparatory material to pass your exams.

Used by vet students globally

What’s your main focus right now?

Whether you’re in your pre-clinical years, clinical years, or a new grad looking to refresh your knowledge, we’ve got your back.

The closest questions you'll find to your written exams

Our amazing Qbank combines the most relevant, high quality questions and answers with a sophisticated system of flashcards, notes and videos to keep you engaged and on track!


The Question Bank contains over 1500 questions with a focus on quality and not quantity – we have a range of MCQs/EMQs/SBAs and SAQs. We only include the most relevant content for that exam to ensure that your time is spent efficiently preparing and learning.


Our mock exams provide exam questions in the style of all UK vet schools, we have a range of mock exam questions from both pre-clinical and clinical years. Our powerful Qbanks are supported by high quality, to-the-point explanations that clarify which answers are correct and provide a clear understanding of the question topic


All of our study sessions will be recorded on your personalised dashboard and provide you with insights as to your performance and progress. It allows you to highlight areas that need more work and compare your results with others.

Product demo. All the features you’d expect. Nothing less.

Full Curriculum Coverage

Our unique syllabus covers all of the high yield topics including pre-clinical sciences, small animals, farm animals, equine and exotic species.

Our mock exams use adjustable timers, flagging functions and pass mark estimates to help you assess your progress. You get access to 50+ exams which contain plenty of unseen questions.

Practice makes perfect with our high quality questions. Each answer choice has its own explanation to help you develop your clinical reasoning.

Perfect for early year veterinary students who are keen to develop a strong foundation in the basic sciences.

Spaced Learning

Our intelligent Spaced Learning algorithms automatically create practice quizzes that are personalised to each user, based on their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Your learning experience involves detailed performance analytics. You will gain a deeper insight into your score, percentile, and how you compare to all users.

Our enhanced breakdown enables you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. We provide a breakdown by subject, topic, subtopic, skill and difficulty category level.

Observe trends in performance in different topics and species over time. This will provide you with an accurate reflection of the level of progress demonstrated.

Don’t just take our word for it, listen to our customers!

We created a platform we wish we had as veterinary students. Join the many students and now vets who are using our platform to excel at vet school and beyond!

Top FAQs

How do I access the VetTutor platform?

You will receive an email with a link to the portal where you will be able to register on the platform and personalise your account. Access details are sent to all users to the same email email used at the checkout.

VetTutor allows subscription cancellation at any time.

To cancel your subscription, please follow these simple steps:

  • Visit
  • Scroll to the top of the page and click on “Login”.
  • Follow the instructions, entering the email address used for your subscription purchase (this may differ from your university email address used for platform login).
  • Click on “Dashboard”.
  • Locate your subscription plan.
  • Choose to either change your plan (monthly, 6-monthly, or yearly) or cancel your current plan.
  • Rest assured, you will retain full access to the platform until your subscription expires.
  • If you’re struggling to find your login details, search your emails by subject ‘Thank you for your order’ or sender ‘’
  • Please note simply deleting your account off the platform does not constitute termination of your subscription; this is because the billing element and the e-learning platform hold your details separately to maintain GDPR and encrypted data protection of your payment information.

VetTutor is a study resource with numerous features not available elsewhere to assist you in passing your exams, this is an interactive, on-line format of revising for your veterinary exams. A question bank is a large volume of questions stored on an online database by university, speciality, sub-speciality and species. Users have access to all the questions. Questions can be answered at any time and anywhere in the world.

Once you login to the portal, you can see detailed reports on your progress in all subject areas. This will allow you to allocate your study time to the areas that will help you most on your exam. We use evidence-based study strategies such as spaced repetition, the platform remembers the questions that you answer incorrectly and asks you those questions again until you get them right.

In summary, VetTutor is a user friendly, interactive, and concise platform to prepare for veterinary exams.

VetTutor has the most extensive question database of its type in the UK with more than 1,500 questions and detailed answer explanations which serve as key learning material. VetTutor has a large team of both veterinary and technical staff that keeps material relevant and up to date in all specialty areas based on the latest evidence based veterinary medicine and national guidelines.

Questions are mostly written by students who have just passed finals or veterinary surgeons. We have a team of veterinary surgeons with specialist interests in every major area on the question bank – they respond to student questions and assist with the editorial process.

We have a very strong ethos of only providing high quality, relevant questions, and teaching notes. Questions and answers are then peer reviewed by our expert team of over 15 vets, we have vets with a specialist interest in exotics, farm, equine and small animals who review questions in the relative section. There is a rigorous 10-point checklist for question answers followed by a detailed professional editorial process before a question is added to the platform. We do not add ‘filler’ questions to bump up the question count, we do not include exact past paper questions and we do not include out-of-date questions. We use user feedback and scoring data to allow exclusion of any underperforming questions.

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No. VetTutor questions are original and copyrighted and are not taken from previous exam papers. Printing, distributing, or any other use of the questions, answers, explanations, photographs, or other material at this site is strictly prohibited without express written consent from VetTutor.

The practice questions are formatted similarly to that of the actual exam where similar themes are tested, allowing you to become more familiar and comfortable with the types of questions on the exam and the way in which they are phrased. The Qbank covers the most relevant and commonly tested topics, we exclude most of the minutia that would be less efficient for you to study, and these are clearly indicated as difficult level ‘Hard’ questions.

Our users tell us that even if the question on the topic is not the same as the actual exam, the material they have learned helps them rationalise and prioritise answers and enables them to see the way an examiner thinks.

There are over 50 mock exams questions containing over 100 new questions, our mock exams are university specific to represent the different style of questioning amongst vet schools. The question bank has over 1,500 practice questions which are separate to the mock exam questions.

We are so confident in our question bank that in the event you do not pass your finals, you are entitled to a free re-subscription to the question bank.


– Subscribed to the correct 12 month question bank for the exam you are sitting
– You must contact us within one month of obtaining your exam results
– You have reasonably used the question bank (we look for a completion rate of >70% of the questions and videos)
– A scanned copy of your results letter from your university

Email if you believe you are eligible.

The ‘Question of the Day’ simulates what you will find in the question bank and is FREE for any user, anywhere across the world. Each day a high yield question is emailed out with detailed explanations.


– Subscribed to the correct 12 month question bank for the exam you are sitting
– You must contact us within one month of obtaining your exam results
– You have reasonably used the question bank (we look for a completion rate of >70% of the questions and videos)
– A scanned copy of your results letter from your university

Email if you believe you are eligible.

There are more than 1,500 questions in the VetTutor database, we add more questions every month. Additionally, there are a further 10+ mock exams with over 100 new questions and over 150 mock questions on the RCVS Day 1 Competencies.

There are two modes

1. Revision mode – revise questions at your own pace and in your own time as many times as you want
2. Exam mode – simulates mock exams under timed or untimed conditions

You can select which questions to answer by

– Difficulty (e.g., Medium)
– Species (e.g., Equine)
– Speciality (e.g., Cardiology)
– Veterinary school (e.g., Cambridge)
– Question type (e.g., SAQ/EMQ/MCQ/SBA)

VetTutor is for you if:

  • You want to utilise the UK’s first peer-reviewed veterinary exclusive question bank
    You are a visual learner
  • You want to revise by difficulty, speciality, species, vet school or question type
  • You want to revise on the go via any mobile device or computer browser
  • You want a fun and compact set of detailed answers with each question

Yes! In the first instance, we cross-reference all our material with the relevant national bodies such as the RCVS, BVA, BEVA, BSAVA Small Animal Formulary.

We use the following hierarchy of evidence. We accept this is a debatable area but for consistency this is our ranking from most to least preferred:

1. National bodies such as the RCVS, BVA, BEVA, BSAVA Small Animal Formulary
2. Journal papers
3. NOAH Compendium
4. NADIS/Merck/Liphook Equine/Vetstream/WikiVet (other reliable websites)
5. Journal reviews
6. Professional opinion

Please feel free to email us at and our team will get back to you as soon as we can.

Impressive… look at you completing all those questions! When you’d like to reset the question bank, you can do so via the Settings page.

Yes, all our subscriptions will renew after the end of the subscription period. You can cancel your subscription at any time via your Profile page on

The short answer, yes. The long answer – the question bank is currently aimed at veterinary medicine students, however, we frequently have nursing students sign up due to the high yield content covered. The team are working hard behind the scenes to create a specific veterinary nursing question bank. This bank will follow the curriculum as described by the RCVS and BVNA. We expect to launch this question bank soon.

Sign up to our waiting list here and receive your first month for free SIGN UP!

The question bank is currently aimed at veterinary pre-clinical and clinical students in all years. The platform will cover the basic sciences (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, neuroscience, histology, cytology, genetics, dermatology and many other specialties).

Not quite yet, sorry! The team are working on a creative platform with challenging OSCE/OSPE stations for all veterinary students. Bin those out-dated paper mark schemes with unstructured revision and join the digital era of OSCE practice! Based on past OSCEs with difficult viva questions and integrated “difficult questions” within stations so you know what to do on the day!

Sign up to our waiting list here and receive your first month for free SIGN UP!

The short answer, no. The long answer – While our platform is developed by UK based vets guided by the veterinary curriculum in the UK, we have had many users from all over the world use and LOVE our platform as it provides so many different methods to help you learn, practise, and revise veterinary medicine at veterinary school level! All our preclinical questions will be relevant to students across the globe.

Drugs available and the techniques / medicine may be different between countries, especially second and third world countries. In countries such as Australia, New Zealand and the USA – the techniques and medicines are more similar. If you are from a different country that has its own set of guidelines you may wish to check your own guidelines when revising just to be sure!

Not quite yet, sorry! Our 1,500+ Multiple Choice Questions for candidates sitting The North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE®) is coming soon. An advanced question bank written by our expert VetTutor team based in the USA.

Sitting the NAVLE? Sign up to our waiting list here and receive your first month for free SIGN UP!

The three students with the highest performance on the question bank will receive a series of gift cards and be entered into our giveaway competition kindly sponsored by our partners in the industry.


– Subscribed to the correct 12 month question bank for the exam you are sitting
– You must contact us within one month of obtaining your exam results
– You have reasonably used the question bank (we look for a completion rate of >70% of the questions and videos)
– A scanned copy of your results letter from your university

Email if you believe you are eligible.

Technical FAQs

What payment options do you accept and is there any way to pay over time?

We accept all major debit and credit cards from customers in every country. If you would like an invoice in your local currency, please send us an email at

Discount codes are entered on the checkout basket page after you have selected your subscription.

Depending on the plan you select, a VetTutor subscription is typically valid for 1, 6, or 12 months from the date of payment.

No, unfortunately, partial subscriptions are not offered at this time. Keep an eye out for special offers that sporadically arise.

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VetTutor allows subscription extensions at any time. When your VetTutor subscription expires you will automatically be prompted to sign up for an extension if desired. Contact the team at if any queries. 

VetTutor allows subscription upgrades at any time.

To upgrade your subscription, please follow these simple steps:

  • Visit
  • Scroll to the top of the page and click on “Login”.
  • Follow the instructions, entering the email address used for your subscription purchase (this may differ from your university email address used for platform login).
  • Click on “Dashboard”.
  • Locate your subscription plan.
  • Choose to either change your plan (monthly, 6-monthly, or yearly)
  • If you’re struggling to find your login details, search your emails by subject ‘Thank you for your order’ or sender ‘’

Our mock exams take anywhere between 2-15+ hours to create, each question is written by an experienced question writer, then processed by our junior and senior editorial team before being passed to our administrative team for tagging. A tremendous amount of work goes on behind the scenes before you see a question or exam on your screen!

VetTutor absolutely prohibits sharing of your account and monitors all account activity. VetTutor reserves the right to cancel a subscription if unauthorised use is suspected.

Please note that sharing of accounts will alter your personalised performance record and will mask any potential weak areas. This will also interfere with the spaced repetition algorithm in place meaning your revision will be less effective.

The most common cause for registration failure comes from an incorrect billing address, name, credit card number, or credit card expiration date. Please double check your credentials.

If you are sure that you have inputted all of the information correctly but still receive the same error message repeatedly, contact VetTutor support so we can manually assist you to register.

You can access VetTutor from any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection. High speed connections will be most efficient for study purposes. Web browsers must be JavaScript enabled and allow both cookies and pop-ups for the most seamless experience.

Please contact us if you have any issues.

We’ve teamed up with Synap! Synap is an intelligent learning management system, VetTutor uses the Synap platform to deliver the question bank to you. After you have completed your payment, you will receive login details enabling you to access the VetTutor platform. Synap provides all of our technical and IT support for the platform, VetTutor is responsible for the educational content.

This is extremely rare but in the unlikely chance it does, please flag the question on the Qbank using the flag feature, you can also copy and paste the question to VetTutor at – kindly indicate what you believe to be incorrect. If you have a reference for your viewpoint, feel free to include it. The VetTutor team meets bi-monthly to review any questions about the course material and to make modifications and additions as needed. If appropriate, a specialist in the field will be contacted if a second opinion is required.

Revision Tips & Tutoring FAQs

I am stressing a lot; can I contact you for help with a study strategy?

Of course, email us at and we will do our best to help you – you are not alone!

Firstly, breathe – you’ve made it this far in your education. Let’s triage, prioritise and capitalise on the remaining time that you have. Quality far outweighs quantity.

  • The weak spots – don’t avoid it, break it down into the famous 5. Think of the 5 most commonly tested topics and start your revision there.
  • High yield – focus on the key conditions, not the rare genetic cases or rare dermatological presentations
  • For each condition – think of five things – Presentation, Differentials, Diagnostics, Treatment and Prevention/Control
  • Don’t forget yourself – regular exercise, seeing your friends and treating yourself will clear your mind and prevent you burning out.

The million-dollar question! There is no one ‘best way’ as we are all individuals, however, we’ve listed some commonly tested and tried tips below.

  • Practise questions – the best way of revision, the more questions you do, the easier it gets to pick out keywords and see what the examiner is looking for
  • Planning – take it one day at a time, you don’t need to force yourself to do ‘x’ number of hours per topic, be organised and have a revision checklist. Each week, scan some of your lecture notes, focus on 5 high yield topics per specialty.
  • Do the VetTutor question of the day; a quick and informal way to test yourself with randomly allocated questions.
  • Combine your revision techniques – the question bank should be used to reinforce concepts, consider reading or re-writing notes (if that is your style of revising) followed by a session answering mock questions on that topic.

Yes, please reach out to us if you are looking for 1-1 tutorials in a specific area of the syllabi, we have expert tutors available to help via online sessions or in-person (university dependent). Please email for more details.

Yes, please reach out to us if you are looking for a veterinary surgeon or a senior student tutor to look over your answers. Please email for more details.

Other Educational Materials FAQs

I want to learn more about the VetTutor OSCE/OSPE Practice Platform

Challenging OSCE/OSPE stations for all veterinary students at UK veterinary schools. Bin those out-dated paper mark schemes with unstructured revision and join the digital era of OSCE/OSPE practice! Based on past OSCEs with difficult viva questions and integrated “difficult questions” within stations so you know what to do on the day!

Coming soon – express your interest here for our early bird discount. 

Over 1,500 Single Best Answer, Extended Matching Questions, Multiple Choice Questions and Short Answer Questions for veterinary nursing students in the UK.

This question bank covers the fundamental concepts of anatomy and physiology, the principles of nursing, pre-clinical science, anaesthesia and fluid therapy, surgical nursing and theatre practice, medical nursing and diagnostics and therapeutics.

Coming soon – express your interest here for our early bird discount.

Over 1,500 Multiple Choice Questions for candidates sitting The North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE®). An advanced question bank written by our expert VetTutor team based in the USA.

Coming soon – express your interest here for our early bird discount.

Ready to ace your exams?