Learn Veterinary Medicine the Smart Way.

Crafted with love by a team of vets, our platform teaches you everything you need to know for your pre-clinical and clinical exams. With over 1,500 practice questions and fully worked solutions every step of the way – Get the VetTutor advantage.

Advance to the next step

The platform covers questions on small animals, farm animals, equine, exotics, pre-clinical sciences, statistics, and the RCVS© Day One Competencies.

Study Smart

Out with the old, in with the new. The two most effective methods of revision are active recall and spaced repetition. Our powerful system enforces key, high yield, exam-relevant facts aiding memory retention and resulting in enhanced exam performance.

The VetTutor Guarantee

We are so confident in our question bank that in the event you do not pass your exams on your first attempt, you are entitled to a free re-subscription to the question bank - no questions asked. Learn more here.


Detailed Progress Tracker

VetTutor offers different revision modes, timed mock tests, extensive performance analysis and powerful question review functions. Flag questions, create your own revision notes, leave feedback in the comments section and much more.


The Best Or Nothing

We know what it's like to be in your shoes. There is a rigorous 10-point checklist for questions followed by a detailed professional editorial process before a question is added to the platform.

Study Anytime, Anywhere

We created the platform we wish we’d had as veterinary students. Our platform is simple, user friendly and can be accessed via any computer or mobile device worldwide.


Evidence Based Content

All 1,500+ questions and answers on the platform are peer reviewed by our team of over 15 vets. We have collected question themes from all UK vet schools to match your specific needs.

Maximise Your Performance

One Community

We are one community and we know what it’s like to be in your shoes. The team has spent thousands of hours designing the UK’s leading veterinary e-learning platform. Our questions are written by graduates from every university across the UK and reflect the different question styles used by each vet school.

The platform covers questions on small animals, farm animals, equine, exotics, veterinary public health (VPH), pre-clinical sciences and the RCVS© Day One Competencies. Every question has a detailed mark scheme; we explain the correct and incorrect answer and display a detailed topic summary (if available).

Choose the way you study from your mobile or computer. Select questions by difficulty, category (by species or specialty), question types (MCQ, CDM, SBA, EMQ or SAQ) or answer one of the many university specific mock exams.

Education should be accessible to everybody and we have priced our platform cheaper than any of our competitors. Prices start from under £7 a month. If you are on a Gateway course or studying in a less economically developed country, contact us for free access*. We are so confident in our question bank that if you do not pass your exam, you are entitled to a free re-subscription to the question bank**.

Don’t just take our word for it, listen to our customers!

We created the platform we wish we’d had as veterinary students. Join the many students and newly graduated vets who are using our platform to excel at university and beyond!

Subscribe to VetTutor's Question of the Day

VetTutor’s Question of the Day is a FREE service that gives you access to our clinical and preclinical questions. Sign up today and you’ll be emailed a high yield mock exam question every weekday alongside a detailed explanation. An exciting way to sample content from our cutting edge learning platform. And of course, subscribers can unsubscribe at any time!